Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The start of my new blog

Hello to everyone who reads this. And, welcome to my online journal. This blog is about my journey of going back to college to study art...fine art, that is...and in my 30's! I just started, entering into the Spring 2007 semester late Jan./early Feb. at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA. I never finished a full college degree, but have spent many years since my last Junior college experience out of high school trying different jobs, industries, classes, trade schools, potential careers, and just trying to make ends meet so that I could pursue creative endeavors. But none of those careers or situations were satisfying. Within me, I had always wanted to go to an art school (preferably private) and finish a full program for a degree, but couldn't decide what to major in for a very long time. I was also uneducated about financial aid, so the cost of it all frightened me.

I did everything to 'go around' what my true dream was...to be a fine artist/designer (and my own boss at some point). I tried lots of different types of jobs in industries that were also creative or somehow linked and would potentially be a better financial bet, though they never felt as if they were for me. Not long ago, a career in a completely different field that went for years fell through and my life came to a stand still. I felt very uncreative and like I was going to shrivel up if I didn't make a drastic move and change for myself. So, I decided to return to school and go for it now. I moved to a different city altogether to start a new and refreshing creative life. This is my new life...as a Born-Again Artist.

Enjoy and thanks for joining me on this journey. And perhaps this will enlighten someone, in that it's never too late.

Comments are appreciated! Though keep in mind, I am doing this to share my progress as a beginner in my 30's and not to get criticism (unless I ask for it in an entry). I'm not at that stage yet, since I'm new to all of this! In other words...I'm sensitive right now!!! And the classes I'm currently taking are foundational technique classes...so not much freedom of expression (yet). As one of my teachers stated it well...you have to learn the alphabet before you can create your own sentences! ;) Thanks!


Unknown said...

I like your title as a "Born-Again Artist". You are following your heart and I wish you much success :)

Anonymous said...

Love your first efforts, they are great; love your title as well. Keep up the good work, I am rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

The Poster Person for taking life as it is and making it what you want it to be - wonderful, wonderful work. Then again, you know I knew, now we all know you rock!