Saturday, April 28, 2007

Works in progress

Besides myself being a work in progress, so are the following drawings...

Still life composition

About the objects in the composition...
dog - sentimental value since it was my childhood favorite doll given to me by my dad. I named him "Cookie" and was my version of a comfort teddy bear. Him and my pink blankey was all I needed. :) He's all raddy and has been through the ringer. He has a hole and is missing his little felt red hanging tongue.
wine - 2 buck chuck from Trader Joe's (no, I didn't open it before drawing). For those of you that don't know..."2 buck chuck" is the nickname for Charles Shaw wine, which is only 2 dollars a bottle). Wine also can stand for celebration, warmth, and good company.
camera - vintage camera which belonged to deceased step grandma Irma (who was also an artist). Camera also stands for my love of photography and the arts.
book - vintage book which also had belonged to Irma. I guess this can stand for my love for learning and returning to college.
flower - part of my room's decor, which also makes it personal and reminds me of the things I love in my room and how I've decorated it. Also stands for my favorite colors, nature, and peaceful tropical places.
white backdrop - that is actually a smock which I have from my make-up artist days (worn by the person being made up and would attach around the neck with velcro). This is also a reminder of it being personal and representative of my life experiences and diverse background.
apple - to be eaten when done! Also represents life, health, and love (Adam & Eve)...okay, maybe the last one's a stretch!

Please note that the digital camera I used to photograph isn't very accurate in capturing the right shades of light and details, as it is in person.

Same photo composition in black and white (for charcoal reference):

My homemade studio set up:

As I write this, here is where I left off:
Doing this drawing was a late night affair (also for the correct lighting), and the next morning after adding in detail, I couldn't believe I did it...that I DID THAT DRAWING!!! Wow! How fantastic it is to see your potential through pushing yourself to tackle a challenge.

I received great comments in the critique for this homework from other students. The instructor gave me great tips, but loved my detailing of texture and the composition itself. For the first time, I thought my work really stood out. It was a great day! And I was vaklempt thinking about it.

Portrait drawing

Original photo from a magazine of actor Ethan Hawke:
Photocopy with grid drawn on it (great technique for accuracy):

Work in progress is below (he looks like singer Michael Buble at this stage!). I actually like this look with a part of the grid showing. It reminds me of those 3-D computer programs in documentaries where they show the 3-D grid and how life-like figures and flesh are built over it.

Keep checking back...more to come! :) How exciting! I feel like I've turned a page (literally) showing in my work here.

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