Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fortune & Glory hat

In my Ceramic Sculpure 1 class of Spring '08, we had to do a Trompe l'Oeil sculpture of a real object, such as an accessory.
Here's some info. on what that means...The French term Trompe l'Oeil literally means "deception of the eye". It is a style that utilizes the knowledge of perspective and games of light and dark to create, if only for a moment, the illusion of something that in reality it does not exist. These illusions, whether serious or playful, allow the viewer to perceive art and nature through a different perspective.
So, basically it is a piece of art (i.e. sculpure or painting) that fools the eye to think it is real.

My inspiration is a rugged leather American handmade hat, which I bought in another state during my work travels years ago. It says "adventure" to me. I call this piece "Fortune & Glory", which is what Indiana Jones said in the film, Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, when asked why he wanted to venture into an unknown and dangerous area to help a village.

The real leather hat:

This was my most difficult ceramic project of the semester. Very hard to build. I created a pattern using old torn up shirt material and tracing the hat's sections. Putting it all together with soft and thin slabs of clay was very difficult, as they also overlap. After many hours, I pulled it off. I had to experiment with different glazing methods to get as close as I could to the real thing.

Everything you see, including the metal snaps were all created with clay. Unfortunately, due to handling by others to fire it, the fragile rim broke and is still in need of repairs. But, in the meantime, I'm posting this one since it's a great achievement, I want to update my blog, and have received many compliments. It also does fit on my head, but not so comfortably!

Sculpture on the left, real hat on the right:

After the final firing, in need of repairs:Real hat is on the left (the color is off in this photo)...

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